A team of
me, my wife and my brother, lot of research in
all media, many long and restless nights, some
of them relentless, to proudly present you
It would be great injustice if we do not thank
all those who helped us in coming out with what
we did. So let me take some more time of yours
and see my Thanks
This site
is developed neither by a professional designer
nor a trained editor. A few enthusiasts who
want to do justice to Hampi have worked on this
site. We hope you have a learning and friendly
experience not just while you are on this site
but also when you are in Hampi. If you feel
there is/are ways of improving this site or if
any information is incorrect, you are more than
welcome to Contact us. We
will try and rectify it at the earliest
We hope to
give you the best possible experience of Hampi,
both online and onsite.
Best Regards,
HampiOnline.com Team.
